Ecologists tend to separate animals into two groups based on their parenting – the r and K categories. The K category includes animals like elephants, cats, and us – animals that have relatively few offspring with longer gestational periods.

Image credits: Anton Belovodchenko
Their fewer offspring require more focused care, and for a longer time – the sort of parenting we're used to. Parents from the r category go for quantity over quality, with many offspring that grow quickly and individually have small chances of survival.

Image credits: dailymail.co.uk

Image credits: Jeanette DiAnda

Image credits: Igor Shpilenok

Image credits: Ric Seet

Image credits: pensivesquirrel.wordpress.com

Image credits: Marco Mattiussi

Image credits: Jan Pelcman

Image credits: Laurie Rubin

Image credits: Michael Milicia

Image credits: Chuck Babbitt

Image credits: hqwide.com

Image credits: Tin Man

Image credits: dailymail.co.uk

Image credits: Wolfgang von Vietinghoff

Image credits: Udayan Rao Pawar

Image credits: Daniel Münger

Image credits: dailymail.co.uk

Image credits: Andre Pretorius

Image credits: Frederique Olivier/John Downer Productions

Image credits: imgur.com

Image credits: Jim Ridley

Image credits: Michael Nichols

Image credits: Edwin Kats
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