This Is How To Survive A Heart Attack If You Are Alone -->
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This Is How To Survive A Heart Attack If You Are Alone

Do you know what to do when you're alone and have a heart attack? Statistics show that in 80% of deaths from heart attacks, the individual was alone. The following information will help you recognize when you are having a heart attack, and what you can do to stay alive.

Warning Signs Of A Heart Attack

It's important to discriminate between a heart attack, cardiac arrest and cardiac dysrhythmias.

A cardiac arrest, is a sudden stop in effective blood circulation due to the failure of the heart to contract effectively or at all. A cardiac arrest is different from (but may be caused by) a heart attack, where blood flow to the muscle of the heart is impaired.

A cardiac dysrhythmia is primarily an electrical problem within the heart, and is sometimes treated with electrolytes, vagal maneuver, or electrical cardioversion. Many dysrhythmias may herald an impending heart attack.

A heart attack occurs when an occlusion (e.g. blood clot) of an artery in the heart slowly causes tissue to die. This can result in a sharp pain in the chest that spreads to your arm and jaw, and requires immediate medical attention to resolve the occlusion by emergency surgery or cardiac clot-busting drugs.

Some of these symptoms may begin slowly, which enables you to call for help. Other times, you may only have a short time before you lose consciousness.

This Technique Helps People Survive Heart Attacks

Warning: The following procedure should be used by an individual only when there is absolutely no other recourse and only then.

  • Start coughing heavily at once!
  • Take deep breaths and cough heavy every 2 seconds. Cough constantly and strongly.
  • Take a deep breath before each cough. The cough must be deep and prolonged.
  • Put pressure on the heart by pressing to help restore normal rhythm (deep breathing brings oxygen to the lungs, and body movements during the coughing helps squeezes the heart and maintain blood circulation).
  • In the meantime, call for help. Keep on coughing while on the phone.

Obviously, the best way to improve the chances of survival of a heart attack is to prevent it in the first place. Achieving or maintaining heart health is essential by keeping active, having healthy blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and body weight, along with not smoking.


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