He was previously warned by his colleagues not to continue the controversial research. He was threatened to lose his job, but, despite this, Dr. Campbell chose to lay out the truth. Colin T. Campbell is a professor of nutritional biochemistry at Cornell University. Prof. Campbell found out that the main reason behind chronic diseases and even cancer was consuming animal products such as meat, fish, and milk. He succeeded in finding a correlating link between breast cancer and casein, a protein found in milk.
Even though Doctor Campbell is a professional, he strongly disapproves of the mainstream popular diets and he disapproves of the stands of the celebrity doctors since his main goal is to provide health to everyone, including the people who cannot afford pharmaceutical drugs and treatments, and sadly, we are witnesses that there is still a huge number of these people. Doctor Campbell claims that doctors cannot be nutritionists because they do not have the professional training to give diet advice.
Unlike these doctors, Doctor Campbell has spent over 50 years in publicly financed laboratories, and he now wants to share the findings of his research with the world. He also wants to share the fact that simple diet changes can help us prevent heart disease, lower the risk of developing diseases including cancer, and that these changes can even treat cancer itself.
The findings of Doctor Campbell, show us that the consumption of animal products activates cancer cells. We can also learn that the reduction of the intake of meat lowers the risk of cancer. Let us explain: a diet rich in proteins increases the proliferation of cancer cells and provides oxygen to free radicals, which are often the cause of cancer. The results of Doctor Campbell’s study indicate that the cure for cancer is – believe or not – in plants.
The family in which Doctor Campbell was raised up in, was conservative, and they lived on a farm. While growing up, he was convinced that milk has a great nutritional value. However, when he started his academic career, he studied dietary protein among kids in the Philippines and was totally blown when he discovered that there is a connection between animal protein and liver cancer. He was surprised even more when he found out upon reading an Indian study the very same thing. Everything he ever believed in until then was shaken, so he wrote a book on diet and epidemiologic studies along with his son Thomas back in 2005.
He never expected a big response from the public and approval, but still, his book sold more than one million copies and was translated into 25 different languages. In 2013, he wrote another book that soon became a bestseller. In this book, the professor mentions how casein is the worst carcinogenic ever identified. Even though the study of Doctor Campbell was not approved for human clinical trials, minor studies indicated that plant-based diet could treat heart disease.
Another professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health, Edward Giovannucci, also agrees with the claims of Doctor Campbell. He also believes that the common diet is the contributing cause of all health issues in the world. The worst thing about the diet of the people in the western world, is that they eat a lot, not just because they eat foods rich in casein.
Even though this man made these facts public, the people still prefer consuming animal products. Even though milk is more beneficial compared to soda drinks, there are studies that prove milk does not improve the quality of bones in later years, but the opposite; it increases the risk of osteoporosis in later life. Although the Cornell Chronicle was interested in publishing the research of Doctor Campbell, they had never managed to do this from a result of pressure by the Big Pharmaceutical industry on universities and small media.
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