A meditating teenage boy in south-central Nepal who went without food or water for 10 months has changed the way we look at modern science and medicine forever. In 2006, Discovery Channel film crew traveled to Nepal to establish if it was possible for a human to abstain from all sustenance, water included, by filming “Buddha Boy” continuously for four days and nights.
Ram Bahadur Bomjon, also known as “Buddha Boy” attracted thousands of visitors and media attention when he began his mysterious meditation without food and water on 16 May 2005.
Most people can live without food for several weeks, with the body drawing on its fat and protein stores. But the average human can survive for only three to four days without water.
The film crew was able to film Ram continuously for 96 hours, day and night, during which time he did not change his position and did not drink any fluids or eat any food. The film crew concluded that: “After 96 hours of filming, Ram has defied modern science by continuing his meditation and remaining alive.”
The Discovery Channel documentary film produced was titled “The Boy With Divine Powers” and you can watch it below.
What is most incredible about the film footage is that the boy showed no signs of classical physical deterioration caused by dehydration. Close inspection by the film crew of the area around the tree where Ram was sitting confirmed no hidden food supply or water pipes. According to science, an average person would be expected to die from kidney failure after four days without drinking any fluids.
However, this doesn't seem to be the case for a person who can reach a high level of meditation or a person who can harvest energy from other sources, such as the sun. In fact, there have been other extreme cases of food and water fasting, such as that of an Indian man who claims not to have eaten or drunk anything for 70 years.
Many have argued that Ram Bahadur Bomjon is the reincarnation of Buddha. However Ram himself has denied this fact but rather he claims that to have been “enlightened” like Buddha after his long meditation. Over the following years after the filming of the documentary, Bomjon has reappeared and blessed thousands of pilgrims – only to disappear again and meditate.
Ram Bahadur Bomjon, also known as “Buddha Boy” attracted thousands of visitors and media attention when he began his mysterious meditation without food and water on 16 May 2005.
Most people can live without food for several weeks, with the body drawing on its fat and protein stores. But the average human can survive for only three to four days without water.
The film crew was able to film Ram continuously for 96 hours, day and night, during which time he did not change his position and did not drink any fluids or eat any food. The film crew concluded that: “After 96 hours of filming, Ram has defied modern science by continuing his meditation and remaining alive.”
The Discovery Channel documentary film produced was titled “The Boy With Divine Powers” and you can watch it below.
What is most incredible about the film footage is that the boy showed no signs of classical physical deterioration caused by dehydration. Close inspection by the film crew of the area around the tree where Ram was sitting confirmed no hidden food supply or water pipes. According to science, an average person would be expected to die from kidney failure after four days without drinking any fluids.
However, this doesn't seem to be the case for a person who can reach a high level of meditation or a person who can harvest energy from other sources, such as the sun. In fact, there have been other extreme cases of food and water fasting, such as that of an Indian man who claims not to have eaten or drunk anything for 70 years.
Many have argued that Ram Bahadur Bomjon is the reincarnation of Buddha. However Ram himself has denied this fact but rather he claims that to have been “enlightened” like Buddha after his long meditation. Over the following years after the filming of the documentary, Bomjon has reappeared and blessed thousands of pilgrims – only to disappear again and meditate.
Read More:
- Discovery Channel, ‘The Boy with Divine Powers’ (youtube.com)
- Scientists To Check Nepal Buddha Boy (news.bbc.co.uk)
- The Incredible Buddha Boy (gq.com)
- Official Site of Maha Sambodhi Dharma Sangha (etapasvi.com)
- How Long Can A Person Survive Without Food? (scientificamerican.com)
- How Long Can You Live Without Water? (curiosityaroused.com)
- Routine Periodic Fasting Is Good for Your Health, and Your Heart (sciencedaily.com)
Read More:
- Transformational Power of Fasting: The Way to Spiritual, Physical, and Emotional Rejuvenation
- Water Fasting: A Comprehensive Guide & 40-Day Water Fast Personal Journal
- Dr. Bruce Lipton: The Biology of Belief - Where Mind and Matter Meet
- Dr. Wayne Dyer & Dr. Bruce Lipton - Power of the Mind
- Dr. David Hamilton - How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body
- It's the Thought That Counts: Why Mind Over Matter Really Works
- Man in India who claims he has Not Eaten Or Drunk Any Liquid in 70 Years Examined by Scientists
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