Shocking Photos From Inside Chemtrail Planes Like You've Never Seen Before -->
Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.

Shocking Photos From Inside Chemtrail Planes Like You've Never Seen Before

An author and editor at received this intriguing private message from someone on Facebook:

“Hi Gregg, I follow your in5d website everyday and I'm thankful there are like minded people like yourself who are aware of global things that I have know since I was a little girl. I came across some photos from a trusted source of the inside of planes that are used for chemtrails and I figured if I passed them on to you, you can help spread more awareness with it on your website. Let me know if this is ok with you. Thanks.”

When Gregg Prescott saw the images, he immediately asked about their source, and if they wanted to elaborate more on them — but he was told:

“Unfortunately my source does not want to be known and would rather remain anonymous... I'm sure they have some pretty good reasons and I must respect their wishes. As long as the information gets out there I think that's the most important thing I'll send you more photos later on in the day when I have a chance thank you.”

See Below The Shocking Images Gregg Prescott Received


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