Drink This With Orange Juice To Flush Nicotine Out Of Your Body -->
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Drink This With Orange Juice To Flush Nicotine Out Of Your Body

If you are trying to quit smoking, you should know that nicotine leaves the system only after 48 to 72 hours. However, we will show you a way to flush it out of your body! The cream of tartar is a byproduct of the wine making process, and it effectively helps the elimination of nicotine from the system.

Drink This With Orange Juice To Flush Nicotine Out Of Your Body

What's more, it is inexpensive and affordable, and can provide various other benefits, even to non-smokers! Chemists often use the cream of tartar in a powder form, and it is technically known as potassium hydrogen tartrate. It is, in fact, a sediment from the bottom of a wine barrel.

Here Are 5 Amazing Benefits Of The Cream Of Tartar:

1 – It Helps You Quit Smoking

Despite flushing nicotine from the body, the cream of tartar can help you no longer stand the cigarette taste. If you mix it with orange juice, it will of great help!

The high vitamin C content in the orange juice will also help you pull out the nicotine, and it will also restore the lost vitamin amount.

You should mix a medium glass of orange juice with half a teaspoon of cream of tartar, and consume this drink every night for a month.

2 – It Reduces Blood Pressure

Low potassium levels in the body increase the risk of high blood pressure issues, but the cream of tartar can help you in this case as well, as 100 grams of cream of tartar include amazing 16,500 milligrams of potassium.

If the potassium deficiency is the cause for your high blood pressure issues, you should add a teaspoon of the cream of tartar to a glass of water and drink it every night before going to sleep.

3 – It Relieves Urinary Tract Infections

It effectively relieves urinary tract infections as it changes the pH levels in the urine, and creates an environment which destroys bacteria which cause the infection. In a cup of warm water, add one and a half teaspoons of cream of tartar, a few drops of lemon juice, and consume it a few times daily.

4 – It Relieves The Pain Due To Arthritis

100 grams of cream of tartar have 2 milligrams of magnesium, which, according to Dr. Sircus, “modulates cellular events involved in inflammation.” Therefore, the cream of tartar is especially beneficial in the case of arthritis. Just add a couple of tablespoons of cream of tartar and 3 tablespoons of Epsom salt to your bath, and soak in it for 30-40 minutes once or twice a day. On the other hand, if the arthritis pain is localized, you can use a bucket, and soak only the affected area in water with half the quantities of the ingredients given above.

5 – Clear Acne

The acidic properties of the cream of tartar make it perfect skin cleaning, and acne-fighting agent. However, it should not be applied directly, but you should drink a teaspoon of it in a glass with 8 ounces of water or orange juice on a daily basis. This will detoxify the system and destroy the bacteria which cause acne. Check out the video below and learn much more about the cream of tartar:


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