This 8-Year-Old Kid Uses Crystal Grids To Transmute Negative Energy And Explains How It Works -->
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This 8-Year-Old Kid Uses Crystal Grids To Transmute Negative Energy And Explains How It Works

The children of today are rumored to be far more consciously adept than our previous generations. If that's true this might be a piece of supporting evidence of that.

In this video, 8 year old Adam introduces his latest crystal grid, which he calls a “web” grid. It pulls in dark energy and transmutes it to the light. Check it out:

It took Adam about 10 minutes to build this grid which is full of various crystals – Amethyst, Apophyllite, Celestial Smoky Quartz, Clear Quartz points, Vogels, and several Lemurian Seed Crystals.

Adam didn't pull the pattern of the grid out of a book or research it on the internet. Instead he chose to listen to the guidance of the stones themselves.

What do you think these kids will be doing in even 5 years from now?


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