22 Bizarre Animals You Probably Didn't Know Exist -->
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22 Bizarre Animals You Probably Didn't Know Exist

Most of us don’t grasp the variety of animals species that inhabit the Earth today, and some even get surprised as they find out there’s an animal they haven’t heard of before. But seriously now – out of 1,367,555[1] identified non-insect animal species that live on Earth today, how do you expect to know every single one of them?

To put it into perspective, take into account that this number represents only 1% of all animal species that ever lived! Scientists themselves keep discovering new species every year and admit that modern science is not familiar with all existing animals.

This leaves room to such unique and even bizarre discoveries and collected in this post! Inspired by reddit, we put together a selection of such unheard-of creatures as a Dumbo Octopus, Pink Fairy Armadillo, Star-Nosed Mole and many more. Warning – not all of them are super cute and fluffy!

Pink Fairy Armadillo

Pink Fairy Armadillo - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Pink Fairy Armadillo - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Image credits: reddit | wikipedia


Aye-aye - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Aye-aye - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Image credits: animalsadda.com

The Maned Wolf

The Maned Wolf - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Image credits: imgur

Tufted Deer

Tufted Deer - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Image credits: zoochat.com

Dumbo Octopus

Dumbo Octopus - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Dumbo Octopus - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Image credits: interactiveoceans.washington.edu

Patagonian Mara

Patagonian Mara - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Image credits: zoochat.com

Naked Mole Rat

Naked Mole Rat - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Image credits: extremelongevity.net

Irrawaddy Dolphin

Irrawaddy Dolphin - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Image credits: wwf.org | imgur

The Gerenuk

The Gerenuk - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
The Gerenuk - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Image credits: Michael Despines | imgur


Dugong - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Image credits: webecoist

The Babirusa

The Babirusa - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Image credits: oregonzoo.org


Lamprey - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Image credits: forum.lowyat.net

The Fossa

The Fossa - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
The Fossa - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Image credits: en.academic.ru | imgur

Star-Nosed Mole

Star-Nosed Mole - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Image credits: synapsebristol.blogspot.com

Sunda Colugo

Sunda Colugo - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Image credits: identi.info

Zebra Duiker

Zebra Duiker - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Image credits: imgur

Yeti Crab

Yeti Crab - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Image credits: oceanleadership.org

Superb Bird of Paradise

Superb Bird of Paradise - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Superb Bird of Paradise - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Image credits: BBC Planet Earth | National Geographic

Blob Fish

Blob Fish - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Blob Fish - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Image credits: coloribus.com | monsterfishworld.com

Cantor’s Giant Soft Shelled Turtle

Cantor’s Giant Soft Shelled Turtle - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Image credits: wwf.panda.org

Gobi Jerboa

Gobi Jerboa - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Gobi Jerboa - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Image credits: tgran | wildofanimals.blogspot.com

Japanese Spider Crab

Japanese Spider Crab - 22 Bizzarre Animals You Probably Didn’t Know Exist
Image credits: telegraph.co.uk


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