Image credits: Roeselien Raimond
The common red woodland fox that most of us know certainly is beautiful, but this cunning creature has managed to adapt to diverse climates throughout the world – the fennec fox of the Sahara desert and kit fox in the southwest U.S. both sport larger ears that help them stay cool in the desert, while the arctic fox has a thick and snow-white insulated coat and small ears that help it retain its body heat.

Image credits: Kai Fagerström

Image credits: dailymail.co.uk

Image credits: Wenda Atkin

Image credits: Igor Shpilenok

Image credits: Igor Shpilenok

Image credits: Roeselien Raimond

Image credits: Edwin Kats

Image credits: Einar Gudmann

Image credits: Roeselien Raimon

Image credits: Jim Cumming

Image credits: Remo Savisaar

Image credits: Francisco Mingorance

Image credits: Igor Shpilenok

Image credits: William Doran

Image credits: Ivan Kislov

Image credits: Dan Dinu

Image credits: Robert Adamec

Image credits: Micheal Eastman

Image credits: Edwin Kats
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