Knowing The Area Where You're Getting Fat The Most, Can Help You Get Rid Of It -->
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Knowing The Area Where You're Getting Fat The Most, Can Help You Get Rid Of It

Do your diet and exercise regimens really work, or are you wondering why you still end up fat, even if you've exerted effort in exercising? Well, maybe you are doing it wrong. The secret lies on the type of obesity you're dealing with.

Most people are unaware of the different types of obesity, and the specific ways to get rid of it. Scientists have defined 6 different types of obesity, and knowing which group you belong to can help you identify the perfect solution. Which group do you belong to?

1. Obesity Of Food

The most common type of obesity in the world, caused by excessive intake of sugar and food.

Solution: Reduce food intake and exercise at least 30 minutes a day.

2. Obesity Of “Nervous Stomach”

Caused by depression, stress and anxiety. When subjected to stress, people suffering from obesity of “nervous stomach”, frequently consume sweets such as chocolates.

Solution: Do activities to relieve stress and avoid frequent intake of sweets.

3. Gluten Obesity

People who suffer from gluten obesity are mostly women during adolescence, menopause and with the present hormonal imbalance.

Solution: Avoid smoking, drinking of alcohol and long sitting. Exercise with weights.

4. Atherogenic Metabolic Obesity

People with this type of obesity usually accumulate fat in their abdomen and have trouble breathing.

Solution: Reduce alcohol consumption to combat this type of obesity.

5. Obesity Due To Venous Circulation

A genetically inherited obesity, usually occurs in people with swollen legs or pregnant women.

Solution: Exercise by running or climbing the stairs.

6. Obesity Of Inactivity

It affects parts of the body that have been very active (ie. with exercises and training), but are currently inactive.

Solution: Do not skip eating for a long period of time, because it can slow down metabolism.

Hopefully this information will bring you one step closer to a healthier life.


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